First off, the limbs of the fetal pig were pinned down with pins. We then made the first incision across the belly with a pair of scissors and a scapel. Incisions wer ealso made just below the diaphram and below the umbical cord.
As I recall, the fat and membranes were hard to remove because we did not want to damage the organs so quickly. Once they were removed, the bowels, kidneys, stomach, liver and the pancreas were removed from the pig.

Next to be removed was the upper chest cavity which included the heart and the lungs.

To remove the brain, the fetal pig was turned over and pinned down once again. A cut was made on the head and the skull was penetrated with a scapel. The skull was removed by chipping and peeling off fragments of it. However, we were not successful in removing the brain with the brain stem.

The eyes of the fetal pig were removed as well to show its lens and
For entertainment purposes, the stomach was was cut and inside was liquid. There were also these ridge-structures within the stomach. The small intestine was also stretched to see how long it was.