Wednesday 25 January 2012

Fetal Pig Dissection Lab

On the 17th and 18th of January 2012, we had the pleasure to dissect a fetal pig. With much difficulty and patience, we managed to isolate some of pig's organs.

First off, the limbs of the fetal pig were pinned down with pins. We then made the first incision across the belly with a pair of scissors and a scapel. Incisions wer ealso made just below the diaphram and below the umbical cord.

As I recall, the fat and membranes were hard to remove because we did not want to damage the organs so quickly. Once they were removed, the bowels, kidneys, stomach, liver and the pancreas were removed from the pig.

Next to be removed was the upper chest cavity which included the heart and the lungs.

To remove the brain, the fetal pig was turned over and pinned down once again. A cut was made on the head and the skull was penetrated with a scapel. The skull was removed by chipping and peeling off fragments of it. However, we were not successful in removing the brain with the brain stem.

The eyes of the fetal pig were removed as well to show its lens and

For entertainment purposes, the stomach was was cut and inside was liquid. There were also these ridge-structures within the stomach. The small intestine was also stretched to see how long it was.

Monday 5 December 2011

Dinosaurs and You

Earth is always changing. From the Big Bang, the Earth has come a long way to what it is now. Take the dinosaurs for example. They lived during the Mesozoic era, spanning approximately 185 million years. During the era, the world was a lot more different. In the beginning, the land did not look like what it is now. All the land masses were once together as a supercontinent knows as Pangaea. Throughout the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods of the Mesozoic era, the land masses began to move. The Mesozoic was also a time of climatic and evolutionary change. Dinosaurs and the environment began to evolve until the era ended 65 a million years ago.
The Mesozoic era is divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.

In the Triassic period, the climate was very dry. As the world was one supercontinent, in the interior there were very hot summers and cold winters. Along the coastlines, the temperature was much more regulated due to the proximity of bodies of water. As for life, there was very small plant life and animal included amphibians, small reptiles, mammals and dinosaurs (e.g. Coelophysis).

During the Jurassic period, the supercontinent Pangaea split into two landmasses. This created more coastlines to change the global climate from dry and hot to warm and humid (i.e. deserts became rainforests). It was a time where dinosaurs reached their prime as a diversified group of animals. From theropods (carnivores like Allosaurus) to the sauropods (herbivores like Barosaurus), dinosaurs became the dominant vertebrates of the Earth. Dinosaurs also took to the oceans (e.g. ichthyosaurs) and the skies (e.g. pteranodons) during this period.


A Pteranodon

The land masses in the Cretaceous period kept on splitting. This in turn made the Cretaceous world have a relatively warm climate and high ocean levels. On land, mammals and insects began to diversify with the dinosaurs as well (Tyrannosaurus). Sharks and fish began to replace the ichthyosaurs and other marine dinosaurs. Birds also began to appear.

 Tyrannosaurus Rex

At the end of the Mesozoic era (about 65 million years ago), there was a mass extinction of life on the earth. Most scientists today agree that a massive asteroid impacted the Earth at what is known as the Chicxulub crater in Mexico. The event caused ash to block sunlight so that photosynthesis would not occur. This along with other climate change brought the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, in the end, the birds (evolved from dinosaurs) and mammals along with the sharks, crocodiles, and other animals survived that still walk among us today.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Video Worksheet: The Cove

1. Who is the main “Defender of dolphins in the documentary and why did he become so involved with trying to save dolphins?
Ric O’Barry is the main defender of dolphins in the documentary. One of the dolphins that he trained became so depressed that she committed suicide by closing her blowhole to suffocate. She died in his arm. Finally seeing that the captivity and training of dolphins was cruel he dedicated his life to stop cruelty to dolphins.

11. What is the main point of this movie?
The main point of this movie was to uncover and record what was happening in the cove and release it to the media for everyone in the world to see.

13. Biomagnification occurs with many pollutants present in organisms of living things. Explain what this means.
Biomagnification occurs when pollutants are first introduced into an ecosystem. Primary consumers consume plants that have been tainted with the pollutants. This in turn affects the other consumers of the food chain and food web as they eat the primary consumers, increased accumulated pollutants in their bodies.

21. The two divers who are part of the crew experience something horrible when they first see the cove. What happens?
They witness a baby dolphin who has escaped the cove while sustaining wounds and swimming towards them. However, the wounds were too severe and the dolphin died.

23. If you go to Marineland are you contributing to the dolphin slaughter? Explain why or why not.
Yes, if you go to Marineland you are contributing to the dolphin slaughter.This is because Marineland needs dolphins. So cities such as Taiji sell them to Marineland. During this process, not all the dolphins are chosen to become entertainers. Some of the dolphins that have been captured by fisherman are also killed for their meat to be sold in Japan. So as long as people go to Marineland (i.e. showing demand for dolphin entertainment), Marineland and other similar amusement parks will have a demand for dolphins and the supplier will sell the dolphins and kill them as well.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Shark Blog

What do you know about sharks?
1. Have you or someone you know had a shark “experience”? If so, briefly describe it.

2. Name three different kinds of sharks:
hammerhead,  big and small

3. What countries have laws regulating shark fishing?
Recently Canada, other places around the world

4. How old are sharks?
Living since the age of the dinosaurs

5. Approximately how many people are killed by sharks each year?

6. Why are sharks fished?
Usually for their fins, sometimes for meat.

7. Approximately how many sharks are killed each hour?

Check your knowledge
1. How much of the earth is made of water?
About 66% of the earth is made of water.

2. How old are sharks?
Sharks lived more than 400 million years ago, before the continents formed and the dinosaurs. They are one of the oldest living things on earth.

3. How much of life is in the oceans?
About 50% to 80% of life on earth is found in the oceans.

4. How many people are killed by sharks each year?
5 people are killed by sharks each year.

5. Who is Paul Watson?
Paul Watson was one of the original activists of Greenpeace, a conservation movement. He is one of the more radical activists as he sunk a whole whaling Norwegian fleet, and ended pirate whaling in the north Atlantic.
6. Why is nothing done to stop poachers?
This is because people are afraid of sharks from the media and other sources. People who are scared of things won’t protect them so they do nothing to stop the poachers.

7. Why are shark fins taken?
Shark fins are taken to be made into shark fin soup which is a status symbol for wealth and served as a sign of respect. It is also marketed as a “treatment” for disease such as cancer because it is thought that sharks are resilient to diseases. So if one consumes shark fin that “power” will transfer to the consumer.

8. How valuable  is the shark fin industry?
The shark fin industry is a billion dollar industry. A single pound of shark fins is worth more than $200.

9. What did Stewart discover in Costa Rica?
Stewart discovered that the Taiwanese mafia, which ran the shark finning industry, were paying the authorities to turn a blind eye to their operation.

10. What stopped Stewart from continuing with Watson?
He had flesh-eating disease from streptococcus, which was consuming his body.
11. By what percent has the shark population decreased?
The shark population decreased by 90 percent.

12. How has most social change been effected in the past?
Most social change has been caused by passionate intervention, protesting, rioting, and revolutions in the past. 

13. Why wasn’t Stewart caught when he returned to Costa Rica?
Stewart wasn’t caught when he returned to Costa Rica because he avoided major ports, the police, the coast guard, the shark fin mafia, etc. by travelling via tour buses and public transportation.

14. How many sharks died while the movie was being shown?
More than 15 000 sharks killed while the documentary was being shown.

15. How many countries have banned shark finning?
16 countries have banned shark finning.

Reactions to the Movie

1. I learned a lot about sharks. Yes

2. Overall, I liked the movie.

3. I agree that sharks need protection. Yes

4. I agree that shark fins should be banned from restaurants across the world. Yes

5. To what extent did you view on sharks change after watching Sharkwater?
It changed my way of thinking of sharks greatly. Like most people, I was scared of sharks and I really did not like swimming because of movies like Jaws. However, seeing this documentary changed. They really are important to life on earth.

My first opinion after hearing the news of Toronto banning the sale and consumption of shark fin was an indifferent one. I thought there were concerns that were of more importance than shark fins such as school. Another factor was that I have not had shark fin soup for about six years and I was never of fan of the soup. I believe it was because it did not taste like shark or fish. After watching Sharkwater and learning that shark fin just add texture to a chicken broth, I thought that it was quite dumb to kill sharks for their fins in order to add some texture to a soup. Furthermore, people need to be educated about what cures and what does not, and not believe in some riff-raff about some shark power transferring to another person. Sure that the Chinese has practised this tradition of eating shark fin soup for centuries but guess what? The world is changing rapidly from revolutions in the Middle East to medicine, so get over it.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Cellular Respiration Activity – Clothespins and Muscle Fatigue

Purpose: to explore the relationship between cellular respiration and muscle fatigue

Materials: Clothespin, timer

1. Hold a clothespin in the thumb and index finger of you dominant hand.
2. Count the number of times you can open and close the clothespin in a 20 second period while holding the other fingers of the hand straight out. Make sure to squeeze quickly and completely to get the max number of squeezes for each trial.
3. Repeat this process for 6 more 20 second periods, recording the result for each trail in a suitable table.
Try not to rest you fingers between the trials.
4. Repeat this procedure for the non-dominant hand.
5. Prepare a suitable graph.


Number of squeezes in 20 seconds (Right Hand)
Number of squeezes in 20 seconds (Left Hand)
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 5
Trial 6
Trial 7


The number of squeezes on the right hand (dominant hand) followed a varied trend. In contrast, the number of squeezes on the left hand (non-dominant hand) followed a negative trend.

1. What happened to your strength as you progressed through each trial?
After each trial, my strength in my fingers decreased i.e. my hand became more tired. However, since I had to record the time and reset the stopwatch, I had time to rest my hand and therefore there are some fluctuations in the data.

2. Describe how your hand and fingers felt during the end of each trial?
After the end of each trial, my fingers felt like they were burning kind of like after I played piano for a long time. There was some pain as well in the muscles.

3. What factors might cause you to get more squeezes (to have less fatigue)?
- Doing the motion regularly (through the lab itself and through other means daily, i.e. typing of the keyboard.
- Drinking caffeine (coffee) or sugar in the morning

4. Were your results different for the dominant and the non-dominant hand? Explain why they would be different.
The results for the dominant and non-dominant hand were fairly different from each other. The non-dominant hand had a fewer number of squeezes on average than the dominant hand. This is because I use my right hand (dominant hand) more often than my left hand, so my right hand is more used to doing “work” (e.g. writing with a pencil).

5. Your muscles would probably recover after 10 minutes of rest to operate at the original squeeze rate. Explain why.
The lactic acid (that is produced during exercise and causes the muscle sores after the exercise) is removed and reduces the stiffness of the muscles so that the fingers can resume the squeezing.

It was found that in general, the number of squeezes of the clothespins reduces overtime. However, as there was a brief rest between each trial, the number of squeezes for the dominant hand is more varied. It was also found that the left hand (non-dominant hand) had a decreasing trend on the graph. There was a substantial difference between the dominant and non-dominant hand as the dominant hand is more used to doing things than the non- dominant hand.

Thursday 20 October 2011

20 points on Metabolism and Enzymes

1. All organisms do work in order to do all their daily activities, from repairing damaged tissues to reproduction. To do this, organisms need energy.

2. Metabolism is divided into two categories: Anabolic and catabolic processes.
Anabolic processes break down substances. (e.g. starch breaking down into simple sugars).
Catabolic processes build up substances (e.g. transcription and translation).

3. Energy is categorized into two fundamental types: Kinetic and potential energy
Kinetic energy is the energy that is possessed by moving substances (e.g. heart pumping blood).
Potential energy is the energy stored in a certain form (e.g. ATP storing energy to be released).

4. The First Law of Thermodynamics
“The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only converted from one form to another. If an object or process gains an amount of energy, it does so at the expense of a loss in energy somewhere else in the universe” (Nelson Biology 12, p. 58).

For example: a roller coaster has all its energy as potential energy at the start. When the ride starts, this energy is converted into kinetic energy and is continuously changing between these two energies until the ride stops.

5. Energy is not readily served in the environment. For example, plants produce energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis. For human beings, through the process of cellular respiration, we get our energy from glucose which in turn is converted into ATP. ATP releases energy that we use for work.

6. Bond energy is the measurement of the stability of a covalent bond. Through the first law of thermodynamics, an equal amount of the bond energy is needed to break the bond (called the activation energy)

7. These two graphs illustrate the chemical reactions that take place within an organism (changes in potential energy). The reactants go through what is called a transition state by the activation energy. The transition state is when the products of the chemical reaction are produced. The one on the left represents the endothermic reaction and the right diagram represents the exothermic reaction

8. Endothermic versus Exothermic
Endothermic reactions: When the reactants release energy, the energy is absorbed (e.g. ATP releasing energy).
Exothermic reactions: The process in which the reactants release energy and the energy is lost (converted into another form). An example would be combustion.

9. Entropy is a measure of disorder in energy (symbol is S). Entropy increases when disorder increases. This explains why endothermic reactions occur as the products are more unstable than their reactants.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that “the entropy of the universe increases with any change that occurs. Mathematically, Delta S > 0” (Nelson Biology 12).

10. Entropy (S) increases when the following happen:
- Solids become liquids, or gases
- Liquids become gases
- A smaller amount of reactants form a larger amount of products
- When decomposition occurs (complex to simple)
- When diffusion or osmosis occur (solutes moving from high concentration to low concentration)

11. Free energy (Gibbs free energy): Energy that can do useful work.

So for exergonic reactions, the reactions are spontaneous and have a decrease in free energy. For endergonic reaction is not spontaneous and have an increase in free energy.

12. All the anabolic and catabolic reactions of metabolism are reversible. When a cell’s reversible reactions reach equilibrium (so zero free energy), it is dead.

13. ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is the main source of energy for all organisms. It consists of adenine (nitrogenous base), the sugar (5 carbons) which is attached to 3 phosphate groups. ATP goes through hydrolysis to release 31 kJ/mol (in a lab) of free energy (about 54 kJ/mol in a living cell).

14. Redox Reactions: a chemical reaction where atoms transfer electrons to other atoms, in other words it is reduction (gaining electrons) and oxidation (losing electrons). An example would be the transfer of 1 electron of sodium to 1 chlorine to form sodium chloride. Redox reactions are exothermic as they release energy to make a new substance.

15. What are enzymes: Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed up chemical reactions, meaning that the reactants become the products much faster. They are usually tertiary or quaternary strucutures.

16. Enzymes do not affect the change in amount of free energy there is in chemical reactions. It cannot change an endergonic reaction into an exergonic reaction or vice versa. It can only reduce the amount of activation energy that is put into the transition state. This means that chemical reactions will become faster.

17. The reactants of chemical reactions that enzymes catalyze are called substrates. The substrate binds onto a specific site of an enzyme. For example, the substrate amylose is catalyzed by the enzyme amylase to produce maltose. Notice that each substrate has their special enzyme.

18. The area that the substrate attaches to the enzyme is called the active site. When the substrate is attached to the enzyme, the protein actually changes shape to better accommodate the substrate. This protein and reactant combination is called the enzyme-substrate complex.

19. Enzyme inhibition: When a competitive substance takes place of the active site of a non-competitive substance. Competitive inhibitors can block non-competitive inhibitors as they have very similar shapes compared to the non-competitive inhibitors. An example would be oxygen binding to hemoglobin. Oxygen is a non-competitive inhibitor while carbon monoxide is a competitive inhibitor. If one continuously keeps breathing in carbon monoxide, the hemoglobin of the body will only carry carbon monoxide and not oxygen. This results in oxygen not being delivered to all the parts of the body and ultimately death.

20. Applications of Enzymes: There are many uses of enzymes in industrial and commercial industries such as cleaning, cheese making, starch production, wine, pulp and paper and more.

Sources used: Nelson Biology 12

Sunday 16 October 2011

Top Ten Points I need to know about the Biotechnology Test

1. When transcribing DNA, follow the following steps:
     1. Look for 5’ TATA 3’
     2. Look for AATAA on the coding strand
     3. Look for the intronic sequences
     4. Look for 5’ ATG 3’ on the coding strand
     5. Choose which strand is the coding and template and start transcribing and translating

2. Vector cloning:
For this technique, the gene of interest is isolated from the old organism. The gene and the plasmid is cut by the same restricted enzyme (when orientation is not important). The gene of interest is then attached to the plasmid through DNA ligase. The plasmid is inserted into the bacteria and it is left to grow. Through selection, the bacteria with the desired plasmid are induced into the new organism.

3. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction):
The double stranded DNA is mixed with Taq polymerase, primers bind to DNA, and DNA nucleotides. The mixture is heated and cooled several times. During this time, the hydrogen bonds of the double helix is broken and rebuilt, creating more DNA fragments.

4. RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)
Created by Frederick Sanger, RFLP is a method of DNA sequencing. The DNA in question is mixed with nucleotides, primers, polymerase along with dideoxynucleotides. ddNTPs have no hydroxyl group so they do not react. Four test tubes have the mixture along with the ddNTPs for adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. After some time, the four mixtures are run through gel electrophoresis to determine the DNA sequence

5. RFLP always involves COMPLETE digestion by the restriction enzymes.

6. Gel electrophoresis 1
 DNA runs from the top to the bottom as the top is negatively charge and the bottom is positively charged. Since DNA is negatively charged, it is attracted to the positively charged bottom. Since smaller DNA fragments run faster down than large fragments, therefore the bands at the bottom are smaller than the ones up top.

7. Gel electrophoresis 2
A gel electrophoresis consists of:
Ladder, Lane 1, Lane 2, Lane 3, etc.

To complete each lane, one has to know which restriction enzyme is used and whether it is complete or incomplete digestion. If it is complete, all the restriction sites and cut. If it is incomplete digestion, there could be 0 cuts to the number of restriction sites that are on the DNA. Each fragment has a certain about of bp (base pairs) and are labelled as bands on the gel electrophoresis.

8. Restriction enzymes: blunt and sticky
The sticky ends of the gene of interest are needed to place it in the plasmid. Blunt ends however are not designed to be placed on the plasmid. It is used to cut up foreign DNA. An example would be a mosquito putting its DNA into one’s bloodstream. The blunt ends are used to cut them up to prevent disease, infections, etc.

9. Orientation of restriction enzymes
Orientation of the gene of interest is not important when only 1 restriction enzyme is used, as it is cut on both sites of the plasmid. However, orientation is important when 2 restriction enzymes are used to cut one of each side as they both have to match the sites on the plasmid.

10. Objectives
PCR: To amplify a piece of DNA.
Vector cloning: To produce a protein product and to induce a new gene into an organism
RFLP: To determine the DNA sequence.